2018 Reading Challenge | #readingitqueer

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Hello Hello and Happy New Year!

 If you follow me on anything you might already know this but (drum roll please) I have decided to set myself the challenge of only reading books with a LGBTQ+ element during 2018!

This element could be a queer character, relationship, theme or total point of the plot.  Whether its a comic book, series, memoir, YA or adult; any genre and any style if it has a queer element to it then I'm going to try and read it this year.  The only rule I'm setting is that the element has to be explicitly stated within the book itself; no subtext or vague author comments are going to count this year so I'm saying farewell to my Harry Potter re-read as well as a vast majority of my old favourites.

My TBR for the year currently stands at 130 books but I'm still adding new ones I find to my list because I have absolutely no self control - and even if I don't get to them all this year then I know about their existence for future years! Officially I've set my goodreads target to 80 books (because 130 sounded way too ridiculous to even consider taking seriously) but I honestly don't mind how many books I read as long as they all somehow fall into my main goal of the year.

SO where can you find my progress on this challenge I hear you ask?  Right here!  I'm going to be doing Monthly Wrap-up posts at the end of each month, reviews and general bookish chat all the way through the next twelve months so watch this space for a rainbow of shelves heading your way.  Also if you follow me on my bookstagram account then expect to be seeing a ton of queer books appearing in your feeds!  I'm also going to be trying my best to remember to keep up with a thread on twitter of all the books I read so if you're interested in seeing that (potentially with added aesthetics) then hop on over!

Even though I already have a very long list of books I am always always happy to find out about more; especially ones that come with a personal recommendation of "I loved this" so if you know of a book that has a queer element to it then please throw it in my direction (no seriously - please throw it because this challenge might actually bankrupt me.)  I'm especially keen to know about own voices, f/f and non-fiction books but ultimately let me know everything so I can begin to hoard queer books like the reading dragon I always wanted to be..

Are you taking on a reading challenge this year?  Let me know what it is and we can cheerleader each other through the next twelve months; also don't forget to add me on goodreads to see all the rambly reviews on all the books I read or just so I can stalk your own shelves and add all of your books onto my own reading list. (I'm really selling this aren't I..)

here's to reading!  

eloise x

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